Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Any ideas of Christmas stocking fillers?

I have just sent out an order for 2 packs of cards using one of my favourite paintings I did a while ago, and two of my favourite quotes. 
It has got me to thinking.....If people have a favourite quote or affirmation, and want to see it during the course of the day to uplift themselves...where would they have it?

  • on a sticky note on their computer screen
  • in their bag/wallet
  • in a book as a bookmark
  • on a bracelet....the perfect place, as a necklace isn't seen by the wearer
  • fridge magnet
Are there any other places or objects that could be transformed for a mantra moment?

Here are my two cards, recently sent out:

''According to Buddhism, the life of all beings~animal or otherwise~is precious and all have the same rights to happiness.It is certain that birds, wild animals~all the creatures inhabiting our planet are our companions. They are part of the world, we share it with them.''
The 4th Dalai Lama

''Look deep into Nature and then you will understand everything better.''
Albert Einstein

To see these packs in my online shop, please click right here:

Any suggestions or commissions for Christmas Gifts are welcome. If you would like to contact me via the website, the form is on this page:

or alternatively, contact me on blogger! Leave a comment right here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A true Honour

This lovely lady, Rebecka Rowan, has featured one of my Tree of Life Art Prints on her blog. Here it is:
Please take a look and follow Rebecka. She must be an awesome person to do this! 
Blessed Be!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The full range of Winter Solstice Cards at Birds Become Fishes

These cards are all hand made original art pieces. They cost £3.00 each, or I have budget cards available of the same designs but reproductions of these originals. 
Reproduction printed cards £1.50 each or I can do packs of 3 or more. The more you order, the more discount you will receive.
I can also write inside your cards, with your own personalised message for loved ones, and send them straight to the addresses you supply. 

Please visit my online shop BY CLICKING HERE to order safely and securely through my Etsy shop.
OR email me BY CLICKING HERE to ask any questions, request a bespoke pack, order cards with special messages inside or for any other information regarding the cards.

Thanks for looking!

These are similar design but have Yuletide messages:

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New in my online shop! Winter Solstice Cards

(Please note: As from November 2012 all my Yuletide/ Christmas pack products can be bought BY CLICKING HERE)

Hello again everyone!
Pagans celebrate the Winter Solstice which begins on 21st December and goes through 12 days. The sun is the focal point of the festivities as it is reborn during this time, signalling the beginning of Spring and the triumph of darkness over light or rebirth after the long Winter months. Many symbols that we see in Christmas cards are of Pagan origin such as some that I have used in these cards, which has the sun as a central image radiating warm, colourful light for fertility, happiness and hope.

I always begin by designing and making the original card, which is available to buy as an 'art card'. This is because it has hand painted imagery on it as well as actual embellishments such as stars and glitter.This card is perfect for a special gift and will never be reproduced exactly the same again, therefore is original and individual. 
Next I will scan and make a printout of the front of the card using my 'High Resolution' scanning setting. This will be done on gloss photo paper so that the colours of the original card are reproduced with maximum intensity and warmth.This piece will then be mounted onto the blank card.So shown here is one of the original cards. 
I can do: 
ANY colour scheme you like  
ANY message you like inside and/or outside the card. 
AND I can even write your chosen message to your loved one and send it to them personally for no extra cost.
 Cards are designed and printed on recycled card and come with a recycled envelope and bio~degradable cellophane sleeve for protection. 
Please email me 
to order your card at £3 each.

Closed card~ this is the pentagram design with the coloured image on the inside of the card.

This is the full length card

I will be listing my other Christmas & Yuletide cards soon so please keep a look out! 

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Sacred Healing of Trees

A Special THANKYOU to 'Realm of Tranquility' on Facebook for posting this beautiful ode. Here is the Page so you can all visit and LIKE! 

~♥ The Spiritual Properties of Trees ♥~

Each tree has a spiritual essence, but there are special trees that appeal to the human condition because of the special properties they bare. For this reason there were certain trees that were seen as holding special dominion over the affairs of man and of nature and sacred groves of trees are of great religious importance to many culture and are the meeting place for activities and rituals. Within the grove all become linked and hidden knowledge is revealed. The trees below are especially symbolic and have been throughout history.


Alder Tree -- Associated with water. The catkin bearing alder tree resists decay in its watery habitat and the water spirits or undines love this tree as does the unicorn. The leaves of an alder tree can be made into a tea to treat kidney problems.

Apple Tree -- The custodian of wisdom and tree of the soul. Freya, the goddess of wisdom walks through heaven dispensing golden apples to the gods which will give them the gift of wisdom and understanding and the day of the apple tree is Friday (Freya’s day). To grow an apple tree in the garden is a happy omen and the Celts believe that apple trees grow in the Celtic paradise. The apple tree man dwells in the middle of the apple trees and he is the guardian of their fertility and the fairy protector of the spirit of the goddess.

Ash Tree -- It is said to be an ancestor of humankind. In Greece powerful families were believed to have come from ash trees. In Norse mythology the sacred ash is believed to be the entire support structure of the universe and even today, in certain places, people will leave tokens of human hair hanging from an ash tree in hopes that their wishes, hopes and desires will be granted. Used in fashioning witch's wands for healing.

Aspen Tree – The tree of heroes whose crowns of poplar leaves gave them the power not only to visit the Underworld, but also to return safely. The aspen crowns found in ancient burial mounds may have been included to allow the spirits of the deceased to return to be reborn. An aspen leaf placed under the tongue would make the bearer more eloquent, traditionally a gift of the Faerie Queen.

Bay Tree -- The tree of healing. It is associated with masculine principles and medicine, music, and the rays of the sun. The bay protects dwellings and gardens. Bay leaves crowned poet, heroes and important men. Grow a bay tree near your house for it protects your dwelling and wards off illness. When a baby is born it is lucky to celebrate by planting a bay tree for the baby’s sake. Never plant a bay tree where vines grow.

Birch Tree -- Associated with Lammas tide on August 1, the light of the stars, the moon and the sun. It is a symbol of summer ever returning. It is said the birch is the mother of the oak tree because in prehistoric times it was the birch that prepared the earth floor for the majestic oak to be born. It is said the fairies love this tree in the springtime. Used in fashioning witch's wands for banishing.

Blackthorn Tree -- A winter tree, its fruits, called "sloes", only ripen after the first frost. The wood of the Blackthorn is traditionally used to make the Irish shillelagh. It represents the influence of fate or outside influences.

Bramble Tree -- The fairies love the bramble tree because it is wild and protects the penetration of secluded sacred faerie clearings.

Broom Tree -- The properties associated with the broom tree are that of astral travel and flight. The Irish called it the "Physician's power" because of its diuretic shoots. Sweep your outside ritual areas with it to purify and protect. Burning the blooms and shoots calms the wind. Be cautious if you plant Broom however, it will quickly multiply.

Cedar Tree -- Also known as the Tree of Life, Arbor Vitae, Yellow Cedar. Ancient Celts on the mainland used cedar oil to preserve the heads of enemies taken in battle. To draw Earth energy and ground yourself, place the palms of your hands against the ends of the leaves.

Cherry Tree -- Symbol of death, rebirth and new awakenings. Wild cherry folklore has unusual associations with the cuckoo, whereby the bird has to eat three good meals of cherries before it may stop singing. Folklore from the north east of Scotland warns against using the cherry tree's wood for any purpose, as it was considered a witch's tree. An infusion made of the stalks of the berries is used medicinally to treat bronchitis and anemia.

Elder Tree -- Legends said it was unlucky to bring any part of an elder tree into the house because it would bring a death in the family. It actually has a feminine soul. It is magickal, healing and fragrant. If planting an elder tree in the garden remembers it likes to be protected and hidden. In fact all the fairy trees like to be planted at a distant from others.

Fig Tree -- The fig tree appears in the story of the Garden of Eden when, after eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve covered their nakedness with leaves that are usually said to be from the fig tree. The fig tree has a sacred meaning for Buddhists. According to Buddhist legend, the Buddha, achieved enlightenment while sitting under a bo tree, a kind of fig tree. The bo or bodhi tree remains a symbol of enlightenment.

Fir Tree -- The Fir is a very tall slender tree that grows on the upper slopes of mountainous. Fir cones respond to rain by closing and the sun by opening. Fir can see over great distance to the far horizon beyond and below. Fir indicates high views and long sights with clear vision of what is beyond and yet to come.

The Silver Fir Tree -- Brings the knowledge of present and past lives into the now. The color silver links to the "silver thread" of awareness of the spiritual journey and the gift of insight.
Hawthorn Tree -- This is the most sacred tree to the fairies probably because it is so wild, uncompromising and fragrant. If you sit under the thorn tree on May Day Eve, Samhain Eve and Midsummer Eve you can commune with the fairies.

Hazel Tree -- The tree of wishes and tree of the star goddess. It is associated with the Celtic goddess of the stars, Arianrhad, whose image was seen in the stars of the constellation we now know as the constellation of the Corona Borealis. The Hazel is called the tree of wishes because it has the power to grant the hearts desire.

Holly Tree -- Symbol of the life force, vitality and immortality. It is considered a lucky tree to grow in the garden because it wards off negative energies. The shiny green leaves represent the vitality of life even in the coldest of times and is used in Yule for this reason. It is lucky to burn dried holly branches but not if their still green. The male holly tree (the prickly one) and the female holly tree (the smooth variegated one) are inhabited by respectfully the holly man and the holly woman. Used in fashioning witch's wands for protection.

Juniper Tree -- Considered a protective tree and unlucky to cut down a juniper tree. The tree has an abundance of healing properties. Infusions can be made to treat kidney and liver troubles, arthritis, dropsy and help the elderly.

Larch Tree -- The larch plays an important role in Siberian mythology where it takes the place of the ash as the World-tree. Their shamans use larch wood to rim their ceremonial drums. The smoke from burning larch is said to ward off evil spirits. Larch may be used for protection and to induce visions.

Laurel Tree -- Sacred to Apollo. When the Greek nymph Daphne was being chased by Apollo she asked to be changed into another form and Athena transformed her into a Laurel tree. Much respected in Roman times, the Latin word “laurus” means "praise" and "renowned". A symbol of wisdom and glory, the Latin “laureate” means "crowned with laurels", i.e. "poet laureate".

Lilac Tree -- It is the fragrance of the lilac tree that is considered magickal. The fragrance is believed to carry humans into fairyland and the supernal world. English tradition considers the lilac to be an unlucky flower to be brought into the house because it is associated with death, perhaps from the fear of the power of the fragrance of the lilac. It is really quite a beneficiary tree. Its flowers can be eaten and used as a tonic for the nervous system.

Maple Tree -- Maple trees meanings includes balance, promise and practicality. The maple is seen as a happy tree, alluring, mystically bringing together all who gather under it's sheltering branches. Carrying a young child through the branches of a Maple tree was traditionally thought to encourage good health and long life. The Maple is also said to bring lifelong success and abundance.

Mistletoe Tree -- Also known as Birdlime, All Heal and Golden Bough. It was the most sacred tree of the Druids, and ruled the Winter Solstice. The berries are poisonous! Bunches of mistletoe can be hung as an all-purpose protective herb. The berries are used in love incenses.

Oak Tree -- The tree of truth. It is ancient and wise and has an old spirit. The mistletoe of the oak tree has many magickal properties. It is also a marriage tree, symbolic of the marriage between the god and the goddess. If you dance around the oak tree and wear some of its leaves you will have a long and happy marriage. It is said that if there is a question in your heart that you cannot find the answer to then go to an oak tree and embrace it and ask the spirit of the oak tree to answer your question. If you should know the answer it will be send to you in a prophetic dream. The oak is frequently associated with Gods of thunder and lightening such as Zeus and Thor. This association may be due to the oak's habit of being hit by lightening during storms.

Olive Tree -- The symbol of wisdom and peace. The olive tree was the sacred tree of goddess Athena and Athens, the capital of Greece, took its name from the goddess. Zeus had decreed that the city should be given to the god who offered the most useful gift to the people. Poseidon gave them the horse. Athena struck the bare soil with her spear and caused an olive tree to spring up. The people were so delighted with the olive that Zeus gave the city to Athena and named it after her. Athena is often shown with an olive branch, a symbol of peace and plenty.Ancient Greeks used olive oil to fuel their sacred lamps, while specially aged olive oil was used by the church during weddings and baptisms.

Palm Tree -- Palms are the symbols of peace and opportunity. In many historical cultures, palms were also symbols for such victory and fertility. Early Christians used the palm branch to symbolize the victory of the faithful over enemies of the soul. In Judaism, the palm represents peace and plenty.

Pear Tree -- The early Germanic peoples would carve runes into the wood of a pear tree. honored by the Northmen. The pear tree is also mentioned in literature and folklore connected with love and temptation. In Greek and Roman mythology pears are the sacred fruit of the goddesses. The Chinese believed it a symbol of immortality.

Pine Tree -- The tree of the Sun. Its old title was "the sweetest of woods” and the scent of Pine is useful in the reduction of guilt. Like all evergreen trees which do not lose their leaves or green color during the wintertime, the pine tree stands for immortality. In Japan, the pine tree stands as a tribute to strong character and energy because it holds up against strong winds.

Poplar Tree -- The poplar tree is considered the tree of old age and the autumnal equinox . Heracles wore a crown of poplar leaves when he retrieved Cerberus from Hades and the upper surface of the leaves was thus darkened from Hades' smoky fumes. In Christian lore, the quaking poplar was used to construct Christ's cross and the leaves of the tree quiver when they remember this fact. The Poplar's ability to resist and to shield, its association with speech, language and the Winds indicates an ability to endure and conquer.

The White Poplar Tree -- The ability to find the spiritual determination to face the hardships of earthly and material life. This tree has the
Rowan Tree -- The tree of vision, healing, psychic powers, Rowan is associated with witchcraft and is also known as the Wicken Tree and Witchbane. Twigs and branches of the rowan tree help to bestow protection and runes were carved with sticks from a rowan tree. It is also a tree held dear by the Celtic Goddess Brigid. Rowan is also used during rites of the Moon and for rites of knowledge and divination. This is based on the Celtic calendar of the 13 moons and represents the Moon of astral travel and vision, healing and empowerment.

Willow Tree -- Since ancient times the willow tree has been associated with sorrow and death and it is also considered a tree of enchantment. Used in fashioning witch's wands used for divination.

Yew Tree -- Found in ancient cemeteries, this tree is said to grow a root into each corpse in the graveyard and is a symbol of rebirth and may have been used as wood for the “fe" rod, used for measuring of graves and corpses and in the making of shields. It is good medicine for working with past life issues.


Wishing you all a Happy Hippy October...this is what we're up to this month

I love October.

Firstly it's my birthday month- but I don't really wish to remember the fact that I'm another year older and that ANOTHER year has literally wizzed by my face with hardly any recollection of it! It's because I love it when I know Libra is in the sun phase. Makes me feel like it's my time to shine. Plus the weather is phenomenal here in UK at the moment so that kind of makes it even more joyous!
Most of all I love it for ALL HALLOW'S EVE or Halloween as it's weirdly better known to all! Spooky times and lots of meditating with candles! Going outside for that midnight walk! BUT! Trying to explain to people what the REAL meaning of the celebration is.......ANNOYING. I will be writing a whole seperate blog on this subject very soon along with a little promo for my Hallow's Eve cards that will be available in my online shop:
Birds Become Fishes Online Shop 
So, just as an 'October Opening' blog, this is what I've done lately regarding arty crafty stuff!

Butterflies from Towards the Heavens painting~using digital camera


 As I no longer have use of my mobile phone cam, which I always thought took the BEST photos, I am back to using my little Sony digital. MUCH better than what I remembered!

I will be listing these designs in the SHOP very soon. Meanwhile, if you want to see all of the colour range, please visit my Facebook Page:

Ideas for All Hallow's Eve Cards

My thoughts about this are:
I don't like stereotypical, recycled, shallow images. Halloween is generally thought of as witches, ghosts and ghouls which is fine because that's what (in very simple terms) Hallow's Eve is about. BUT it is also about connecting and communicating with our ancestors and family members who have passed away, seeking their advice and allowing spiritual messages to come through. So, what better symbol of a spirit fleetingly visiting the land of the living, than a butterfly?
The light is shining through the flight path of the butterflies, illuminating the midnight hour in a shimmering glow of enlightenment.
It has a moody, almost eerie atmosphere, but it's not frightening.
Other ideas for All Hallow's Cards to come. They will be available in the SHOP.
Birds Become Fishes Online Shop 


Some odds and ends that I'm still deciding what to do about:

 Angel of the night sky, from a painting I did a year ago. it's a mixed media piece with more detail than shown here. This is the best feature I think, the face. The wings are beautiful too:


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as to whether this could be a card, or something else...........?

Look out for my next blog: All Hallow's Eve; the real celebration!

Blessed Be to all